From the handicraft to the culture, some of the fauna is also known for its beauty in the international markets. One of them is the Indonesian betta fish that has a striking colorful body and tail types. Of the numerous types of betta fish targeted by world collector, three of them are originated from Indonesia.
3 Famous Betta Fish Or Siamese Fighting Fish Originated From Indonesia
- The Giant Betta Fish
This particular fish is the cross-breeding of various types of betta fish. The distinguishing characteristic is seen from its bigger body that can reach 10 -15 cm in size. Compared to the other betta fish, these types have different colors and appearances according to the breed. it can be mostly having darker color shades or has orange-reddish shades.
- The Fancy Betta Fish
Just as the name implies, the fancy fish has a colorful and beautiful appearance. It is mainly seen from the interesting multiple color combinations. It can be two colors to more than 3 colors fused in its skins. Another distinctive characteristic is the tails type which larger and flowy. In many cases, the more beautiful the color combination is the higher the price will be.
- The Double Tail Betta Fish
The double tail is another infamous Indonesian betta fish that is known for its unique tail. The tail fin or caudal is split into two equal lobes, creating two distinct tails appearance. Another attractiveness of this type is the striking color that splatters all around its skins. One thing for sure, this type is quite rare that is why the price can reach up to $10 for one fish.
There are another two fishes that also popular in the aquarium markets. It is the snakehead and slayer types. Along with the double tail, fancy, and giant Siamese fighting fish, the five fish are highly demanded by international collectors. One of the reasons is the beauty it has and the unique characteristic of each individual.
tags: betta fish, indonesian betta fish