How to Trim Online Videos Using Wondershare VidAir. One of the things to complain about when editing videos is related to the application. The average video editing application such as Adobe, Filmora and others has a large size capacity.
Especially if the editing needs are only limited to cutting and merging videos. So it’s a loss when compared to the installation time and memory capacity used. But don’t worry, don’t worry! now you can do how to cut online videos in this one application for free.
Yep, the name is Wondershare VidAir. Now most developers have provided the use of online editing applications without having to install the application.
For example, this Wondershare VidAir. you are enough ensure that the internet connection is smooth so that you can edit without interruption due to network disturbances.
Immediately, let’s see the following review! Check it out
How to Trim Videos on Wondershare VidAir
1. Type in the search engine “Wondershare VidAir”. There will be two choices of websites that can be visited. But choose a website with the link name So that a display like the one below will appear.
2. Then click the Start from scratch button to start editing. Or if you are interested in choosing a video template first, which has been provided by this application.
You can click choose a template to choose whichever template is right for you. More or less the display after clicking will be like the image below.
3. In the editing menu available various tools. Such as adding text, videos, photos, sounds/songs, templates and also save, export buttons. Here’s an explanation of each menu.
This menu serves to add text to your video. Wondershare VidAir has also provided several kinds of fonts, both colored and non-colored backgrounds. You can choose what kind of font model you need. The point is that all the font models are good.
In this menu you can add more than one video from your computer. This application also provides several video clips as examples and experimental materials. If you want to try. The available video clips are approximately 10 seconds to 1 minute long.
Almost the same as the other menu. This application also provides several images for you to test. You can also upload your own images for editing.
Regarding audio, there are several audio samples with different genres available. There are R&B, horror, ambient, melancholy, joyful and others. Of course you can use it for free.
Now you can use this menu to upload files such as video, audio or photos from your laptop or computer
#NB: to cut and add the scene you just select which part you want to change. For example, if you want to delete a scene from 40 to 60 seconds, you can right click and select delete.
If your editing is complete, you can save the edited file on your computer by clicking export. Wait a minute! Before that you will be asked to login first. You can login using your google account, so you don’t have to bother registering (creating an account). If you are logged in, then select export with watermark (because you are required to pay if without watermark). And whoa! Your editing video will be automatically downloaded.
How about this article how to cut online videos using wondershare VidAir?. Please understand, because this online and free application will generally always include a watermark and again the scope of the video size is not too large. So, I hope you understand, hehe… I hope it’s useful!
tags: compress video