Indonesia Tuna Supplier provide Fresh Fish Processed

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Indonesia Tuna Supplier has a variety of ready-to-export products including fresh tuna, frozen tuna, canned tuna, processed tuna, fillets, shredded and many more. Indonesia Tuna Supplier always prioritizes safety factors, clean products and of course maintains quality and quality on an ongoing basis. Products are managed in a modern way and always improve their quality, including the premium taste that has become its hallmark.

Indonesian Tuna has become global, being consumed in various European, Asian, American, Middle East, Australian, African countries in addition to serving domestic or local consumption. The processing process utilizes the latest technology, supported by raw materials, which are processed into superior fish for consumption.

indonesia tuna

Tuna processing in Indonesia prioritizes speed and hygiene to maintain quality

The processing of tuna goes through standard stages and its hygiene is guaranteed. From the receiving process, it is necessary to sort by type and size, then put it in a cold and clean fish box ready to be stored in cold storage. The next process is processing, butchering, cutting it according to predetermined standards. Here also applies production quality control including metal detecting, avoiding contamination.

After the cooking process with various processed menu recipes, then put the fish in cans or other media, before continuing with labeling and packaging, don’t forget to go through sterilization. After that, it just entered the final stages, namely stuffing and shipping.

Indonesia’s marine resources include tuna, making it a major producer and exporter throughout the world. Many Indonesian people work as fishermen, because it is a hereditary profession, especially to take advantage of Indonesia’s natural wealth.

The entire tuna production is carried out domestically, so it is expected that it can increase the value of production results optimally. Experience continuously produces professional quality meeting international production standards. Tuna fish from Indonesia are of high quality, processed quickly and fresh, safe packaging process to ensure freshness makes it always a superior product.
