Indonesian Cotton Fabric Manufacturers and Supplier

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Indonesian Cotton Fabric Manufacturers and Supplier established factory and direct suppliers available. Cotton Fabric Obviously right now you are wearing Cotton Fabric clothes, because about half of the fabrics produced in the world are made from this natural fiber. Good reception is due to its properties, because the material is soft, breathable, absorbent and very versatile. Cotton fabric
Its industrial production began in the 19th century, and has remained at the number one position ever since. Made from vegetable fibers that surround the seeds of the cotton plant, the fibers in turn consist of more than 90% cellulose and are naturally colored between white and yellowish white. The word cotton comes from Arabic – as it mostly starts with al – and it was they who introduced the plant to Europe via Andalusia and Sicily.

Origin of Cotton
Cotton Plantation The origins of cotton lie 8,000 years ago in India for some and in Mexico for others, although there is also evidence that it was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians. The Spaniards were familiar with cotton when they arrived in America, especially Peru, where the people cultivated it and made clothes with its fibers.
Until the advent of the Industrial Revolution, India was still a major producer of raw materials and weavers, but with the British and American invention of the mechanical spinner, they took the lead. The crop was introduced to the southern United States and to this day cotton remains the mainstay of the American economy.



How It’s Made
We take steps, first we have to plant a cotton plant, a bush with plenty of water and the sun will give us a cocoon with seeds covered with a kind of white hair: cotton fibers.

Before spinning, the yarn must be mixed, stretched and twisted, so that with a spindle or spinning wheel (as in the days of Sleeping Beauty) or with a mechanical spinning machine, it is possible to make yarn from several strands.
Industrial looms Next is the weaving process, in which two threads (called warp and weft) are made of cloth. The cotton loom works at an industrial level as it has been used since ancient times, on the one hand the loom has a series of threads along the length of the loom and on the other the loom passes through the weft in a prependicular manner leaving them interlocked.
